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Why a Los Angeles Social Security Disability Attorney Needs Your Treatment History

Posted on :May 28, 2015Byjpadmin

Los Angeles Social Security Disability Attorney couple doctorYour Los Angeles Social Security disability lawyer will use medical records to establish treatment history for your disability. This detailed accounting reveals that you sought treatment and followed through on the care plan. Further, medical records show that symptoms preventing you from working require medical care and support your claims of having those symptoms.

What to Do to Establish the Best Medical Records

Although your healthcare providers will maintain a set of your medical records, there are additional steps you can take to make sure your records are complete. It is best to have details to fully document the impairments that support your claim. Generally, a Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney will recommend the following to help establish your treatment history.

Get a Medical Assessment

Unless you see a doctor, you will not have medical records. The local social services department can help determine whether you are eligible for Medicaid if you currently do not have medical insurance. Another option is to get low-cost or free medical care at a clinic or public hospital ER. Otherwise, Social Security may require you to be examined by a doctor at its expense. The preferred medical records, however, is from a treating physician.

Let the Doctor Know What Is Bothering You

Medical records that your Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney submits to corroborate your health complaints strengthen your claim. Decision makers will compare statements in your claim to what you have told your doctor. They are more likely to believe you when both statements match.

Keep Appointments and Follow Medical Advice for Treatment

Keep appointments, follow medical advice, and do not refuse treatment plans that could help you regain the ability to work. Your disability benefits could be denied if you fail to do these things without good reason.

Contact a Los Angeles Social Security Disability Lawyer

A Los Angeles Social Security disability attorney with Lowenstein Disability Lawyers is available to discuss your disability case. Call us today at (800) 954-7752 for a free claim evaluation.

Free Claim Evaluation

  • We help Southern California Social Security disability claimants at all stages. If you are thinking about applying for Social Security disability benefits, have had your application denied, or have had your Request for Reconsideration denied, please answer the questions below if you would like us to review your case.

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  • List the medical conditions that affect
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