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Social Security Disability

Testifying Regarding Your Shortness of Breath

Posted on :October 27, 2015ByLowenstein Disability Lawyers

Palmdale Social Security disability lawyerWhen it is time for your testimony regarding how your shortness of breath is affecting your life and your ability to work, a Palmdale social security disability lawyer will inquire as to your condition with the following questions and statements.

First, you will determine the cause of the shortness of breath. You will identify which of the following causes your condition:

  • Allergies?
  • Asthma?
  • Cardiac chest pain?
  • Exertion?
  • Hyperventilation?
  • Lying down?
  • Lung congestion?
  • Panic attacks?
  • Speaking?
  • Stress?
  • Weather changes?

You will be asked how your movement is affected by breathing:

  • How is your walking affected by your breathing?
  • How far can you walk before you have to stop and catch your breath?
  • How many stairs can you climb before you have to stop and catch your breath?

You will be asked about work:

  • How often do you miss work because you have trouble breathing?
  • While at work, would you need to take unscheduled breaks?
  • How often do these unscheduled breaks occur?
  • When you take breaks, do you need to sit down or recline?

You will be asked about any acute episodes of breathing problems:

  • What brings on these episodes?
  • What are your symptoms during these episodes?
  • How long do they last?

Your attorney will continue your testimony with other relevant questions:

  • How does it feel when you are short of breath?
  • Are you bothered by fumes, dust or gases?
  • How often do you wheeze?
  • How often do you have lung infections?

For assistance on preparing for your testimony, contact Palmdale social security disability lawyer Janna Lowenstein at 800-954-7752.

Free Claim Evaluation

  • We help Southern California Social Security disability claimants at all stages. If you are thinking about applying for Social Security disability benefits, have had your application denied, or have had your Request for Reconsideration denied, please answer the questions below if you would like us to review your case.

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  • List the medical conditions that affect
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