Posted on :April 2, 2015Byjpadmin
An important component of the evidence that the Social Security Administration reviews in determining your eligibility for disability benefits is your own statements regarding pain or how your impairments prevent you from working or leading a normal life. Our experienced Los Angeles Social Security disability lawyer understands your perceived credibility could well be the make-or-break factor.
Only if you reach the administrative hearing stage after appeals following denials at initial application and reconsideration will you have the opportunity to testify. At this stage, you can speak directly to the judge in your case and explain in detail the specifics of your claim. However, there are potentially other statements you have made that are contained in your file. For instance, our Los Angeles disability lawyer suggests some of the following may be relevant:
Initially, your Los Angeles disability lawyer will explain that the SSA looks for consistency between what the objective medical tests, lab reports and diagnoses show and the symptoms you report. Although your situation is unique to you, there must be a correlation between the objective tests and the subjective symptoms. Additionally, the SSA is looking for consistency between your own statements. That is, if you have regularly reported the same level of pain, for instance, or sought treatment for the same impairment over a long period of time, you seem more credible than if a sudden complaint arose out of nowhere. However, for many disability claimants, symptoms ebb and flow and new problems do manifest themselves. It is important for you to be honest and forthright throughout the disability process and follow doctors’ orders and prescribed treatment recommendations.
Denials are most common in SSA disability cases but should not be viewed as final. Preserve your rights by filing a timely appeal and explore your options by calling Lowenstein Disability Lawyers, a Law Corporation, at (800) 954-7752.