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Los Angeles SSI Lawyers Discuss Obesity

Posted on :January 4, 2015Byjpadmin

Los Angeles SSI Lawyers person in wheelchairWhile being obese in itself is not considered a significant impairment, Los Angeles SSI lawyers can explain that this condition can be considered in conjunction with other impairments. However, it can also cause issues for the claimant in the evaluation process.

Determining Obesity

LosAngelesSSI lawyers can explain that obesity is assessed by evaluating a claimant’s body mass index. This is a numerical figure that is derived by dividing a person’s weight by their height. The mathematical formula is to divide the number of pounds by the number of inches, squared. This quotient is then multiplied by 704.5. Once this figure is determined, it is compared to a table on body mass index. The National Institutes of Health state that a person with a body mass index between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight but not obese. This is if the individual has a waist size of lower than 40 inches if a man or 35 inches if a woman. Body mass indexes of 30 or more are considered obese.

Negative Impact on Disability Cases

Los Angeles SSI lawyers can explain that obesity can negatively impact a Social Security disability case if it is used to show that a claimant did not follow prescribed treatment. However, claimants should also be aware that a doctor’s random statement that they should try to lose weight is not prescribed treatment. Additionally, the claimant may have a justifiable reason that he or she did not follow prescribed treatment. Claimants should be prepared to address all weight loss efforts that they have undergone. Additionally, a Social Security disability lawyer may ask a treating physician to discuss the claimant’s difficulty in losing weight.

Legal Assistance from Our Los Angeles SSI Lawyers

If you would like more information on how obesity may affect your disability claim, contact a Los Angeles disability attorney from Lowenstein Disability Lawyers, A Law Corporation by calling (800) 954-7752.

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